



Peevish is music and performance. Experiences vary.

Peevish Makes a Difference is released by Urantia.

Peevish Music Samples (mp3) - listen to at your own risk

From Peevish Makes a Difference (Urantia 04, 2002) - for purchase or promotional copy contact peevish@peevish.org

Aunt Marion

The One Who Has Completed All Hard Things

Gad nerds

Yummy Beef Jerky

From Verbadom (2000)

Gay Porn

A sort of incomprehensible and totally erect stance in the midst of everything in the mind.  And  don't  expect me to tell you what all this is called and how many parts it can be divided into.

Peevish Participants Have Included

    Joe Foster 
     cornet, trombone, drums, walkie-talkies, small things, rocks, bells


    violin, guitar, bass, piano, organ, drums, walkie-talkie, bells

    Taylor Aglipay
    saxophone, guitar, bells, didgeridoo, paper, phone

    Wilson Zorn 
    electronics, noise, guitar, bells, bass, effects, scissors, toys

    Jef Bryant 
    trombone, recorder, vocals

    JP Jenkins 
    guitar, electronics, alto clarinet, vocals

   Joseph Bradshaw 
     cello, vocals, dance

    Blair Saxon-Hil
    marimba, behavior


    Michael Engeholm

    Lilly Chamberlain
    actions, movements

    M. Adam
    lightshow/projections, kalimba

    Joey Chang

     Bryan Eubanks
    saxophone, tapping

     Kelvin Pittman
    alto saxophone, metal, marbles

      Brian Crowl
    flute, voice, dotar

      Mike Culp
    guitar, bullhorn, voice

      Spencer Staley
    drums, guitar, keyboard, karaoke

    alto sax, recorder, squeaky toys

      Craig Burkhardt
    bicycle, clarinet

Friends of Peevish

411 Collective   |   *   |    Mantonal   |    Super Unity!    |   Bryan Eubanks    |    Melting Object    |    BrianBorrello   |  Foster/Jenkins/Eubanks Trio    |    Synthetic Zero     |    the poetry of Mr. Marvin Gardens   |    Ajeet Pal    |    Psionics   |   Smegma  |   Itisness  |   Paul Paul   |   Sub-Sic   |   Rasbliutto.org   |   Htoo   |

History - 9 through x and it just keeps going

Confusion year


If interested in an audition, more music, booking, hearing/telling secrets, or personal recollections of our time with Samuel Pepys, please contact us: peevish@peevish.org or rasbliutto@hotmail.com

Thank you.

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